Friday, September 24, 2010

The [not-always-so] Fabulous Fandubbers of YT!

So, based off of the poll, i should talk about fandubbers. And as easy as it is to talk about the 20% of all fandubbers who are good, i'd much rather talk about the other 80% of fandubbers that urk me. YES, i say urk. xD;; So i'm sure you're aware that there are some incredible fandubbers who are just so loveable. They have totally perfect, strong voices that are not forced with clear mics and are really nice and fun to everyone! Of course, you may also know most fandubbers are NOT like that. Those, my friend, are called bad fandubbers.

So what makes me not like a fandubber? There's the people who scream the lyrics, mix horribly or d0nt n0 h0w 2 typ3. But really, there are 5 things that agitate me [and other people too] more than anytthing in the world. Here's a little countdown.

5. Those people with the world's most staticy,muting,crappy mic.
Bad mics make your voice sound really, really bad. If your voice is even hearable with the static and popping. And in duets, you never blend and always sound like the bad dubber. Bad mics just give me headaches... I'm not saying i expect everyone to have a 200 dollar studio mic, but really, some of these microphones are like, REALLY? I could buy a better one for 5 bucks at radio shack! passable mics really are like 10-20 dollars, so like sell an old T-Shirt and you can afford one.

4. The random kid who dosen't roll their "r"s or pronunce japanese decent.
Everyone slips up once and a while. I do, and even the really good fandubbers might have trouble with certain words. But if you're like totally screwing up every other word, i think we have a problem here.... Japanese is a rather easy language to pronounce, so you SHOULD be able to figure it out eventually!! One option is to maybe slow the original down till you've been singing jap. long enough to get it. Or, Go on Wiki freaking pedia and look up a pronunciation guide. It tells you how certain leters [like "n"s] can get their own sylable, and all the lovely rules of japanese. But if you've been fandubbing for 2 years and can't sing a japanese song correctly, people will laugh at you and think why would anyone like this person... Not to mention bad pronunciation ruins groupdubs. And songs in general.

3. Those stuck-up people who think their freaking utada and aren't.
Also reffered to as divas. These are the people who are extremely mean to less popular fandubbers, complain if they don't get the biggest part, and sing songs that are clearly out of their range, just to prove they can scream it. Like, suddenly they get their 800th subscriber, and so they totally neglect their old friends cause they have less subs, and the chic with more subs thinks that means shes better. When in reality, we all know thats BS. Seriously, like shut up and we'd all like you slightly more. xD;;

2. Fake-Cute Moemoekyu annoying dubbers
Click. She dosen't go on youtube anymore so i can post this xD;;  This is a very bad example, but listen to how she's forcing her voice to sound like Mikuru. Dammit, just listen to Mikuru! This applies as much to her as every other dubber...You're not fooling anyone hun. The saddest part is that now, 70% of youtube sounds like this, trying to sound "cute" and miserably failing. Some do manage to sound slightly... cuter, but i find it totaly annoying and fake. And of course, the personality is almost as bad as the "moe" voice. OMG KYU GLOMP I-I-I LOVE YOU MIKURU BEAM.~~ Dosen't that annoy anyone ellse?!?!?!?!? How can anyone ellse stand that? its so fake, and really hun you're not that cute if everyone ellse is exactly the same. So please, please stop forcing your voice &your act.

1. The tonedeaf monster.
Is an explination neccisary? If you can't sing on key, please get lessons, work harder, or find a new hobby ^^

If you want to hear preatty much a combination of the five, plus more:
DON'T BE THIS GIRL!! PLEASE! Lets all improve, and hopefully make YT a tallented place, without girls like the link above... If she followed these few simple guidlines, she might be okay : D

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